Expedient Sessions at VMworld 2019

August 11, 2019 4 min Read

VMworld is back in the Bay and the Expedient team is busier than ever! This year we have 5 sessions, booth duties with awesome Expedient demos focusing on our Enterprise Cloud product, multi-cloud management product, Push Button DR (DRaaS), and Backup as a Service, a Cube interview with our partner Cohesity, and an EcoCast with ActualTech Media. Of course we have parties as well, more on that in another blog post, today we are going to focus on the Expedient sessions.

Expedient: Hyper-growth cloud provider powered by VMware vCloud Director [HBI2806BU] – AJ Kuftic

At VMworld 2018, we debuted Expedient Enterprise Cloud via a session following the keynote with a live demo. For VMworld 2019, we are going to share the success we have had on the platform and highlight why we think a VMware based cloud is the ideal solution for most cloud destined workloads. Attend this session to get an inside scoop as I share some of our secret sauce on why/how VMware recognized us as the 2018 Americas Cloud Partner of the Year and our fastest growing product ever – Expedient Enterprise Cloud.

Architecting VMware Cloud Roundtable [HBI2615PU] – AJ Kuftic

Really looking forward to this session as the ability to ask questions of your peers and gain new perspective is at the heart of a successful VMworld. In this session, we will do just that for a whole hour! Come ask questions to David Grimes of Navisite, John Dwyer, Martin Hosken, and Daniel Paluszek of VMware, and me.

vBrownbag sessions are a great opportunity to talk about any type of tech and provides the opportunity for anyone in the community talk about what they are passionate about. This year Expedient has three sessions from Brent Meadows, Mike Morris, and yours truly.

Building a Kubernetes Cluster in 12 Minutes with vCloud Director & CSE [VMTN5054U] – Brent Meadows

Almost every developer is asking for a Kubernetes environment for development work or even production. VMware has built a product offering to suit each need with their Container Service Extension (CSE) for vCloud Director, and then their work with the Heptio and Pivotal teams. Brent will show you how easy it is to get a CSE cluster up in a vCloud Director environment to provide turnkey Kubernetes with no extra licensing cost.

Getting Started with Infrastructure as Code using Terraform and vCloud Director [VMTN5036U] – Mike Morris

Infrastructure as code is all the rage right now as we look to automate as much as humanly possible. In this TechTalk, Mike will show how easy it is to use Terraform to instantiate VM’s using the powerful vCloud Director APIs.

Building a Cloud Native App [VMTN5005U] – AJ Kuftic

This year I am going to walk through my journey of learning how to build my first Cloud Native Application on AWS. The end result was a pretty killer scalable application having some fun with my colleague, Sam Sarnicke.

As you can see, we will be busy the week of VMworld and we hope to connect with as many of the attendees as possible. I hope to see you in a session or at the booth. Follow Expedient on Instagram and Twitter for up-to-date info on sessions and parties. See you in San Fran!

As Expedient’s Principal Technologist, AJ Kuftic is responsible for driving technology change and helping customers understand the capabilities of Expedient’s solutions. Follow him on Twitter.

AJ Kuftic AJ Kuftic

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