Make the Magic Quadrant. Then Make it Better.

September 16, 2022 4 min Read

We’d like to congratulate Cohesity and Zerto, longtime partners and collaborators, on once again being named in Gartner’s Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Backup and Recovery Software Solutions. Continuity is a crucial function of our clients’ missions, and we’re fortunate to offer a variety of industry-leading options to make sure they’re able to achieve their goals.

Cohesity was named a Leader among those listed in the report for its broad portfolio and ease of administration. As Cohesity’s Service Provider of the Year in 2020 and 2021, we’re more than familiar with their offering and how easy it is to use. To dig deeper, though, we asked Chris Gerhardt, Director of Solutions Architecture, to explain just what makes Cohesity a Leader among its peers.


If you are like many technology leaders, Gartner is a strategy easy button. Gone are the days of endless vendor meetings or reaching out to your network to understand how different strategies are implemented elsewhere, Gartner does the heavy lifting required to allow you to focus on a smaller set of solutions. By highlighting the completeness of vision and the ability to execute that vision, a strategist is able to reduce their analysis to the leaders in the marketplace. Gartner, again, has assessed Cohesity to be a Leader in the market. This is based on the strength of their portfolio, both how they are implemented and the value to the client from those implementations.

As part of their analysis, Gartner identifies three “strengths” and three “cautions” from each provider included in the Magic Quadrant.

Gartner identifies the strengths of the Cohesity Backup-as-a-Service (BaaS) solution as the included simplified and centralized management UI, the comprehensive, built-in threat defense, and the flexible licensing model. All three of these features are challenges that clients of all sizes, from small-market to enterprise, face. Cohesity has worked to identify and solve those challenges to allow its clients to focus on more proactive work, rather than the day-to-day operational challenges these features resolve.

The cautions pointed out by Gartner are potential limitations in the product or service offering. With Cohesity, specifically, the list included inconsistent time to market for product releases, limitations of the BaaS solution when impacted by network outages, and complex BaaS pricing. These cautions can be scary from a Service Operations standpoint. Fortunately, Cohesity – when partnered with Expedient – eliminates 2 of the 3 highlighted cautions while maintaining the 3 strengths.

The caution around limitations of the BaaS solution when impacted by network outages is mitigated by the ability of Expedient to provide operational and financial efficiencies with a multi-data center BaaS solution. The ability to replicate and restore within an offsite data center mitigates the data loss or access risk from a network, physical, electrical, or any other data center outage. The third caution identified, complex BaaS pricing, is completely removed by Expedient’s per TB pricing model. The ability to grow from both a capacity and pricing standpoint removes the risk of knowing what the infrastructure spend might look like in 6 months and the risk of supply chain delays, as well as being flexible enough, that a solution can change in retention scope, without a delay in delivery of the new solution.

All of this culminates in a Backup as a Service platform that truly leads the industry, built on the strength of vision and ability to execute on that vision, especially when combining Cohesity and Expedient.

-Chris Gerhardt
Director of Solution Architecture

Pete Shelly Pete Shelly

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