451 Research: Expedient Enterprise Cloud positioned as a stepping stone from the old world to the new

November 25, 2019 2 min Read

Shortly after we announced Expedient Enterprise Cloud (EEC) at VMworld 2018, 451 Research published its initial Market Insight report on the groundbreaking cloud, which noted that:

“Companies like Expedient are at the coal face of enterprise and cloud right now, and pulling out the rewards therein. Early recognition of where the trends were headed and adoption of key new technology like NSX have allowed Expedient to be innovative on service delivery and features while remaining responsive to customer needs and wants.”

In the time since, we have announced our largest client deployment of EEC to date, continued to optimize EEC through feature enhancements such as vCloud Director’s Container Service Extension (CSE), and expanded our national footprint with cloud points of delivery in the Western United States.

Needless to say, a lot has happened at Expedient (and with EEC) in the last year, so we were happy that 451 Research decided to check in on Expedient and EEC in its latest Market Insight report: Expedient Enterprise Cloud positioned as stepping stone from the old world to the new. Authored by the co-founder of 451 Research, William Fellows, the report emphasizes EEC’s competitive position to hyperscale cloud providers and focuses on the main differentiators of EEC, such as:

  • The ability to run containerized workloads and VM-based workloads in the same cloud resource pool
  • Robust, built-in security features
  • Per GB, term-based pricing based on consumption
  • Expedient’s 100% Service Level Agreement (SLA)

The report also provides an overview of the VMware cloud infrastructure components that comprise EEC as well as the architecture of each EEC cloud POD (point of delivery). Download the full report here.

As Expedient’s Principal Technologist, AJ Kuftic is responsible for driving technology change and helping customers understand the capabilities of Expedient’s solutions. Follow him on Twitter.

AJ Kuftic AJ Kuftic

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