Push Button DR: Resiliency Options for your Diverse Application Portfolio

October 30, 2019 3 min Read

We recently expanded our portfolio of disaster recovery as a service (DRaaS) solutions to provide clients and prospects with more flexibility and choice when it comes to replication options for computing workloads. This diversified DRaaS approach is based on the reality that most organizations utilize myriad workloads that each require different levels of protection. Our multi-tiered approach also supports hybrid DR strategies by allowing clients to mix and match protection levels based on the needs of specific applications.

Organizations with applications or workloads that cannot endure any downtime whatsoever should consider Push Button DR powered by Zerto. This DRaaS solution offers rapid, total network failover at the push of a button, without IP or DNS changes. By automating this aspect of the disaster recovery process, Push Button DR powered by Zerto eliminates the time-intensive process required to manually configure network components after failover, enabling the near-real-time recovery that business-critical, enterprise workloads demand.

While all businesses have workloads that require total uptime, other workloads don’t require this level of total availability. Businesses can reduce DRaaS spend by protecting these non-business-critical workloads with a solution that achieves tolerable recovery time objectives (RPOs) and recovery point objectives (RTOs). To support hybrid disaster recovery strategies that seek to match protection levels with the uptime requirements of each application, Expedient recently added two new tiers of protection to its Push Button DR solution set:

Push Button DR powered by VMware vCloud Availability (vCAV) is perfect for VMware-based workloads that don’t require near-real-time RPOs. As Push Button DR powered by vCAV is a VMware-native solution, enterprises can be confident that their on-premises or hosted VMware workloads will continue to run consistently in the event of a failover.

Push Button DR powered by Cohesity offers snapshot-based replication and is perfect for protecting lower priority workloads already running on Expedient Enterprise Cloud (EEC). This protection tier based on the Cohesity Data Protection platform enables EEC clients to save money by addressing backups and disaster recovery with a single replication solution.

No matter the level of protection required, all clients will always enjoy the universal benefits of Push Button DR:

  • White-glove delivery process
  • Infrastructure DR Runbook Included
  • Unlimited self-service or supported DR tests included at no extra charge
  • 24x7x365 support provided by Expedient’s technical experts
  • 100% Service Level Agreement

Download our Tiered Resiliency Infographic to learn more.

As Expedient’s Principal Technologist, AJ Kuftic is responsible for driving technology change and helping customers understand the capabilities of Expedient’s solutions. Follow him on Twitter.

AJ Kuftic AJ Kuftic

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