Point-in-Time Recovery Using Zerto Journal History

May 16, 2019 2 min Read

User Error/accidental deletion, system corruption, hardware failure, ransomware infection, malicious employees… your business faces internal and external security threats every day. Having the right IT tools in place and the knowledge to leverage them effectively is critical to your ability to mitigate these threats effectively and ensure continuous business operations and data protection.

For example, point-in-time recovery (PITR) – where a virtual machine (VM) or group of VMs is restored to a specific point in time – is an effective way to quickly overcome an IT outage cased by a malicious insider, database corruption or malware. Up until recently, PITR was achieved by taking point-in-time snapshots of each VM at desired intervals. While this replication method “worked,” it wasn’t an ideal solution due to high storage and performance demands, and lack of inherent scalability.

Zerto solved this problem with the introduction of journal-based VM protection, which removes snapshots from the equation and enables highly granular recovery checkpoints every few seconds. The benefits of Zerto’s journal-based protection functionality with regards to PITR is explained in greater detail here.

To show you how easy it is to recover an entire group of VMs using Zerto’s journal history feature, Expedient Solutions Architect, Jason Charlton, walks through the process in this short demo video:

Expedient’s Push Button DR solution is powered by Zerto’s virtual replication technology. Recognized as a Representative Vendor in Gartner’s Market Guide for Disaster Recovery as a ServicePush Button DR enables rapid, total failover between disparate locations without IP or DNS changes.

As Expedient’s Principal Technologist, AJ Kuftic is responsible for driving technology change and helping customers understand the capabilities of Expedient’s solutions. Follow him on Twitter.

AJ Kuftic AJ Kuftic

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