Archive of posts from 2012

Cloud Computing: Key Considerations

Cloud Computing: Key Considerations

Bryan Smith
Read Time 3 min Read

Cloud Computing: Key Considerations The benefits of a private or hybrid cloud  are certainly intriguing. You receive the full access and capabilities of a private computing environment, just without the expense, hassle or maintenance responsibilities tied to owning a physical infrastructure. This, however, certainly does not mean that you can just choose any available cloud computing solution. There...

Understanding the Cloud: SaaS, PaaS, IaaS

Understanding the Cloud: SaaS, PaaS, IaaS

AJ Kuftic
Read Time 2 min Read

Understanding the Cloud Stack: SaaS, PaaS, IaaS Chances are you have heard the terms Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). While some may use these terms interchangeably when referring to the cloud, the truth is that each service is part of a much larger cloud computing stack. Characteristics...

Data Center Options: To Build or To Buy, That is the question

Data Center Options: To Build or To Buy, That is the question

Bryan Smith
Read Time 3 min Read

Data Center Options - Should I Build or Buy? For any growing and thriving organization, having enough data center space to match expanding computing needs is paramount. But what happens when demand begins to outpace supply? Should you build or add on to your current data center? Or should you buy and rent from a data center provider, and...